Engineering Business Solutions

With a decade of experience in the railway commercial field, Engineering Business Solutions has been addressing the Romanian railway market since 2011, having as objectives the supply of spare parts for locomotives and wagons within the rail freight and passenger transport market.


EBSol is specialized in the supply of spare parts for railway vehicles.

Our specialists in the commercial and railway field fully comply with the technical and commercial regulations and constantly develop the selection procedure of the new railway products, which benefit from the latest manufacturing technologies, thus advancing with the railway industry that develops at a fast pace respecting perfect technical and commercial regulations.


We maintain a quality management system, in accordance with the requirements of the standard SR EN ISO 9001: 2015 / ISO 9001: 2015 for the marketing and intermediation of railway products for Motor and Trailed Rolling Stock, Railway Technical Approval for Radiator Elements cooling diesel engines for locomotives.

EBSol 2024

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